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Tim and Alvina Reimer
Stop in for fresh, in season garden produce every Friday evening from 3 - 8 PM.

Home baked, in season. Breads, pies, and jams available as well.

Call ahead or check website for updates on what's new.
Region: Interlake
Lodgings: Coming soon: 10' x 10' cozy
bunkie with queen size bed in loft and futon on main floor.'
Capacity: 4
Washrooms: One
Features: Fresh garden produce
Address: Box 4198
Arborg Manitoba
R0C 0A0
Phone: 204-641-4017
Email: alvinareimer@hotmail.com
Direction: Punch PR329 5147 into your Maps App
Our place is located 3.5 miles west
of Arborg on 68 Hwy. Turn north (right) on Road 226, Vidir Hwy for
another 6 miles, at the corner of PR329 and
Road 226 Vidir Hwy (where the pavement ends) turn west (left) for 1 1/8
mile. The drive way is on the north
Note: Each MCVA member's destination is individually owned
and operated. We ask that you contact members directly to make a reservation and obtain further details on their
individual businesses, rates and policies.
Funds quoted are in Canadian dollars unless specified otherwise. (Additional taxes may apply.)